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Men walk for the cure. They speak out against rape and intimate violence on behalf of their mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. Ladies, it's time we return the favor. If not for yourselves or your boyfriend, do it for your brothers, fathers, coworkers, and hapless neighbors. We must unite in our stand against poor sock choice.

It's very simple. If you're a dude and you plan to engage in any type of sporting activity, wear your white socks with pride. If not, don't even wear them. At all. Not even with shame and embarrassment.
Appropriate sock choice
If your footwear was designed specifically for sporting activity, white socks are acceptable. A hint - if the outside of your shoes are made of any variant of dark leather (including suede), they're probably not made for sporting activity.
Poor sock choice
Here's the good news. Socks do come in other colors. They sell them at all kinds of stores - in departments stores, in discount stores, and even at Costco. You too can own socks that aren't white. Rid yourself of the uncomfortable and unsightly bulge around the ankles resulting from poor sock choice. Try it; I think you'll like it.

It's very simple. If you're a dude and you plan to engage in any type of sporting activity, wear your white socks with pride. If not, don't even wear them. At all. Not even with shame and embarrassment.
Appropriate sock choice

If your footwear was designed specifically for sporting activity, white socks are acceptable. A hint - if the outside of your shoes are made of any variant of dark leather (including suede), they're probably not made for sporting activity.
Poor sock choice

Here's the good news. Socks do come in other colors. They sell them at all kinds of stores - in departments stores, in discount stores, and even at Costco. You too can own socks that aren't white. Rid yourself of the uncomfortable and unsightly bulge around the ankles resulting from poor sock choice. Try it; I think you'll like it.
But even when you try to do right, your laundry cycle is tryin' to do wrong. And then you only have clean WHITE socks. And then you can't sent cross-legged for a whole day. A WHOLE DAY!
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