Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A harrowing brush with death: a tale in one part.

Senior CE advisor Jessie and hunky Norwegian friend were escaping the urban Alaskan life in Anchorage last friday night when Jessie's Saab slid off an icy patch in the road and into a snowbank. After a brief inspection by the pair determined that the car was indeed stuck, hunky Norwegian firend called ahead to his similarly hunky, similarly Norwegian, brother a few miles away at their intended destination.

While brothers Norway conversed, a utility truck approached in the road - a perfect rescue opportunity thought the stranded travellers - that is, until the truck also slid on the icy patch in the road and slammed into the back of the car before the truck's trailer (which happened to be carrying a generator capable of powering a small town) jacknifed, pinning Jessie's car against a wall. Glass shatters, heads bump things, but the intrepid travellers have sufficient wits about them to flee the car for the nearby woods. Once safely out of harm's way, they see a second utility truck approach. This one also slides on the ice patch, toppling to a rest on top of Jessie's already abused car -- TOTALLY smashing the driver's side. Moments later a third utility truck slides off the road, but apparently the third time *is* the charm, and this truck doesn't hit anything.

Fantastically, none of the five people involved were hurt and Jessie enjoyed a restful evening at the cozy cabin of the brothers Norway.

Does this story remind anyone else of Sweet Valley High? It does leave me wondering what Jessie did with Elizabeth.


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