I made this.

And I like it. Mostly. Some of the lines are crooked. The next few days will tell if I fix them before hanging it or decide to not look closely.
I fled north for a brief sojourn to a conference this weekend. Wednesday night or Thursday I head east for the second of two conferences in two weeks. Family obligations threaten to take me to Texas the following weekend. Shortly after I'll celebrate my first quarter century and the ability to rent a car without paying a $25 surcharge for being unwordly and fresh faced.
Smooth I am not. This morning at brunch I spilled a cute miniature pitcher of cream all over the table and my lap, and into the shopping bag of apparel purchased by my dining companion while we waited for our table at our too-cool-for-school cafe. My friend hopped up in search of more napkins from the kitchen. In the interim the woman at the next table gave me hers from under her glass. Her husband followed suit, sacrificing the napkin from his lap. The guy TWO TABLES DOWN passed his napkin over. What bystander effect? Too bad Kitty Genovese wasn't attacked in a posh Hollywood hot spot.