Thursday, April 06, 2006

Caught with my pants up.

One afternoon this week I decided to take an emergency 15 minute nap* in which I had hoped my synapses would reacquaint themselves with one another. I closed the door to my office, curled up on my little couch, set my trusty watch timer, and draped the leg of a (clean) pair of workout pants over my eyes to block out the light. I'm sleeping away in crazy-nap-dream land when someone knocks at my door. Who cares? It's closed. The door opens. Okay, potentially embarrassing, but it has to be one of the two people who actually visit my office on purpose, so not a big deal. Nope. It's a student in the class I'm TAing this quarter, looking for the number that will rectify the situation that began when her dad was in Peru when it was time to pay. . .Right - if what you're thinking is that a student walked into my office while I was sleeping WITH A PAIR OF WORKOUT PANTS ON MY FACE, you are right.

Later the person in the office next door stops by and I tell him about this awesome encounter, once again baffled by the brazen "kids these days" who think phrases like "lol" and "lmao" are appropriate in emails to professors and TAs asking for an A- instead of a C+ so they can get into medical school. Finally my friend says, "Geez. And it wasn't even your office hours or anything?" Office hours? Office hours. I think I have those - let me che - Yes, a student came into my office during office hours and found me sleeping on my couch with workout pants on my face.

*I don't even want to hear your whining. You too would take naps in your office if you had a little couch, or maybe just a pair of workout pants.


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