A fineable offense

A. My car is too clean n' shiny.
B. Having recently purchased an SUV, the parking enforcement officer was provoked by the practical, yet fuel efficient, hatchback.
C. I am parked "in the sidewalk."
If you guessed C, give yourself all the points. I've always used the line between the sidewalk and the driveway as an indicator if I'm ticketable, but I that just doesn't cut it anymore. I contested the ticket. I lost. I declined to have a hearing as all the cortisol sure to gang up on my hippocampus because of the resulting stress (and INJUSTICE!) sounded more aversive than writing a check.
I still think I was okay.

I would've given you a ticket too....I don't like red!!
your car is pretty clean & shiny. i guessed that one, so i guess i win no points. damn it!
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