Sweat, plastic forks, & caffeine

I'm moving. I'm also still wrapping up the second of two comprehensive papers that I have to do before they'll let me start on my dissertation. And on Friday I went in for what I thought would be a routine, "Take these eye drops & get outta here!" visit to the doctor for a slightly disgusting eye condition. Instead, my doctor said, "Do you have anywhere you have to be this afternoon? I think you should go to the eye institute - immediately." Several hours in a waiting room and one fancy specialist later - I got the eye drops I'd been jonesing for all along. I also got sentenced to two weeks without contacts. Unthinkable. This morning I picked up my PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES!!!! Heaven*.

*It was even more delightful to save $100 at Lenscrafters with this Google ad.
DUDE! On June 30, TV on the Radio, Matt Pond PA and Voxtrot are playing for free in Prospect Park. Claire is down, are you in town?
Holy shit! I didn't know you were already here. E-mail if you and Kal wanna do something tonight. I'll begin a-hunting.
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