Graduate student gone wild.

I flew into Seattle this morning. I really think the FAA needs to rethink the seatbelt part of the safety demonstration. There should be a sign: "Please notify attendant if you need assistance fastening your seatbelt (dumbass)." I think this could save significant training hours in flight attendant school-- if not an entire subsection of the manual.
I took a bus from the airport to downtown. Three men get on a few stops in. Two are of the thin, middle-aged, very long straight hair, mustached, tattooed variety. One is younger (he later told his companions he was 26), clean cut, wearing a suit and tie. The young one provides the best overheard line of the year when he tells his friends, "Well, I tell you what, if I don't get the job it's because I'm a felon. I was the last time too but they didn't know it." He then expounds on the differences between California and Washington felony laws and how they each affected his employment status. Oddly enough, he did not think that me being within earshot of his criminal confession would be any reason to deter him from chatting me up.
So far I like Seattle. There are lots of happy hours (that start early!) and lots of bookstores. The homeless people seem more enterprising than on the LA homeless scene. About 12 people asked me if I had change today. I feel like it's rare for people to actually ask for money in LA, and I think they're less polite there when you turn them down. In fact, the homeless people here are so nice, that earlier tonight I was thinking about changing my policy and giving each one that asks a quarter.
I ate delicious, delicious sushi for dinner. Maybe I'll eat it again tomorrow.
What I want to know is how many times has the seatbelt saved someone's life in a plane crash? Hmmm...statistics please.
man am i jealous. i am stuck in franz writing my take-home final for pavlovian processes.
how long will you be in seattle? are you going to visit neighboring towns? with my grunge nostalgia fetish i would of course love to visit olympia and aberdeen.
oh and you gotta go to that tall thing, i forget what it's called.
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