Finders keepers, publishers.
Who knew that indie magazines go on tour? Why would the cheapest girl in all of the land pay $12 to attend a show on said tour? Probably because FOUND magazine is totally awesome, the perfect antidote to my voyeuristic and elitist tendencies.
Friday night found some cronies and me at the Steve Allen Theatre in Los Feliz. It's a pretty cool venue if you've never been there. If even cooler if you know beforehand that it's byob.
FOUND magazine is letting its dirty little secrets out of the closet with Dirty FOUND , a new magazine, for - you guessed it - gems too smutty for the only-moderately-tacky-on-occasion FOUND.
Briefly, the premise of FOUND is sharing with the world the quirky little things people discover in their daily lives: a nonsensical note left on a windshield, a child's drawing, or the breakup email someone forgot in the printer of the computer lab. An example from the website:
The idea is the common human condition behind these finds rather than what other people plan to buy at Safeway. I've been buried in an issue of FOUND I bought after the show (we got a copy of Dirty FOUND with our admission, but I started reading over breakfast and wanted to play if safe). It's exactly what would happen if the "Have you seen me?" people commissioned Sark as artistic director.
FOUND is found wherever specialty magazines are sold - at tens (more than 100) of independent bookstores in lots of states. The website is good for interesting perusal as well.
Friday night found some cronies and me at the Steve Allen Theatre in Los Feliz. It's a pretty cool venue if you've never been there. If even cooler if you know beforehand that it's byob.
FOUND magazine is letting its dirty little secrets out of the closet with Dirty FOUND , a new magazine, for - you guessed it - gems too smutty for the only-moderately-tacky-on-occasion FOUND.
Briefly, the premise of FOUND is sharing with the world the quirky little things people discover in their daily lives: a nonsensical note left on a windshield, a child's drawing, or the breakup email someone forgot in the printer of the computer lab. An example from the website:

FOUND is found wherever specialty magazines are sold - at tens (more than 100) of independent bookstores in lots of states. The website is good for interesting perusal as well.
I *heart* FOUND!
I've seen that secret blog before when I read about one of my friend's coworker's blog getting flamed on some blog dedicating to outing sucky blogs. The blog in question did really really blow, but they also dinked her because she linked to this and some really disturbing thing happened to be on the front page when the reviewers clicked her link. But it's cool - I'm still curious why these people go to such creative effort to tell their secrets.
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