Attention please.
If you can walk down the street with this song on your iPod and not look like a total tool for all your dancing and twitching about, then your heart is stone. It's even harder if you caught The Blood Arm show the night before and added the lead singer to your ever growing list of crushes on talented, curly brown-haired men. Maybe you've seen high energy bands before. Maybe you've seen people jump around on stage. Maybe you've seen someone who can dance like a gay man who just landed a stint on Broadway. This guy will put them to shame (and according to my online stalking and Elena, last night was a relatively calm show).
You heard the lady, folks. Are you too a minor celebrity in a niche market looking for someone to stalk you online? Act now - call Kelly to have her evangelize to all of her friends and acquaintances on your behalf.
Post-show diner dining:
Maybe it stems from my own insecurity issues but I am really attracted to people who know their element and succeed it in - especially if that element entails performing before an audience. I mean, I'm good at eating sunflower seeds and writing kiss ass letters to companies that make my day and all, but neither of those are especially marketable these days.
My last day of nannyhood, a friend of my nannykid made a self-deprecating remark about not being good at Slapjack (really, get with the program, buddy. . .). I said something about pursuing lots of things despite not being good at them. My nannykid interjected with the one of two nice things he said to me all summer, "But you're great at baton twirling!" Yes, that's it, I AM great at baton twirling! Now there's a marketable skill.
You heard the lady, folks. Are you too a minor celebrity in a niche market looking for someone to stalk you online? Act now - call Kelly to have her evangelize to all of her friends and acquaintances on your behalf.
Post-show diner dining:

My last day of nannyhood, a friend of my nannykid made a self-deprecating remark about not being good at Slapjack (really, get with the program, buddy. . .). I said something about pursuing lots of things despite not being good at them. My nannykid interjected with the one of two nice things he said to me all summer, "But you're great at baton twirling!" Yes, that's it, I AM great at baton twirling! Now there's a marketable skill.
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