Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Cute dog, annoying people.

Still dogsitting. I'm not a *dog person*, but this dog I'm watching is hilarious. Her name is Ellie and she really likes for me to be in the same room where she's taking a nap (her favorite pastime). So a lot of the time she's jingling down the hall (well, her tags are), encouraging me to follow her so she can nap in the living room. She usually trys a couple of times before she gives up and naps in whatever room I'm in. And she's a bad influence on sleeping in. She must watch me set the alarm every night, because she hops in bed every morning about 20 minutes before I'm supposed to get up, curling up beside me and pinning me into the covers.

I've been watching the BBC's The Office on DVD this week-- at first I thought, 'yeah, that's funny,' but now I'm addicted. Watching the 'bonus features' DVD only made it worse.

Annoyances of the day:
1. An undergrad emailed me yesterday at 4:45, wanting to set up a time to meet with me "asap!" so I could sign something so she can do research with one of my advisors. I told her I'd definitely be in my office between 10 and 12. I was-- even though I wanted to go work in another lab, I stayed here. Did the girl who gave me her cell phone number so I could 'get in touch with her right away' show up for me to sign her 'very important' form?


2. My office is connected another office that 2 people share. I use their refrigerator and microwave and usually keep the door between us shut. One of them (who's all into mindfulness and goes on meditation weekends) always leaves the light on when he leaves. Nonsequitor: UCLA sent around a memo a while back telling people (like we care) that during the summer vacation and winter break holidays (at least when the university is officially closed) they're not going to heat and cool rooms that don't temperature sensitive things (e.g., animals, computer servers)-- this saves like $200,000 or something-- for turning the air conditioner off on Sundays!


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