Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Invasion of the legitimate & other bizarre tales.

If you're reading this, chances are I read your blog and I know you haven't updated in two days. Hello cyberfriends-- I have precious time to waste and you're letting me down!

If this persistent slacking (and yes, this is indeed a pot/kettle issue) keeps up, I may be forced to resort to such venues as The Huffington Post for my errant clicking needs. Any thoughts on Arianna keeping a blog? I appreciate the regular people-->political elite direction that blogging has taken, but don't political commentators and celebrities already have both a voice and an audience? I'll be curious to see any Blackberry blunders from celebrity bloggers who contribute their thoughts without consulting their agents first.

Getting back to the inane, I'm reading The Woman Who Swallowed a Toothbrush and Other Bizarre Medical Cases. Despite having a very strong stomach (all my nearest and dearest can attest to my fondness for pus and blisters), I have met my match in this poorly-written hardback with large-ish print. Several of these anecdotes go too far, but the stories that don't make me gag play into my other favorite pastime, the "what-if" game. As a kid I was always afraid that an ambulance siren, car accident, or helicopter crash would spook my horse and result in a disfiguring trampling. This book is more about freakish ailments than freak accidents, but I'm certainly not passing it along to my grandmother, who (a) never let me use the bathroom at my morbidly obese violin teacher's house and (b) taught me to wash my hands up to my elbows.


Blogger Christopher said...

You had a horse? How incredibly brilliant.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I know I have failed you miserably....I will do my best to post soon!!!

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huffington Post blows. The front page is a jumble of confusion--bad design. And the posts are boring.

But Arianna is kinda hot. And that's kinda vexing.

1:34 PM  

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