Sunday, May 15, 2005

Music, merry-making, and mayoral elections

It's been a busy few days. On Thursday I saw Eels (w/ strings) at the Roxy. I was expecting "E" (the singer & only permanent member of the band) to be super awkward/pretentious with the crowd. He wasn't exactly a charmer when he played a set on KCRW (the awesome NPR station in Santa Monica) on Monday. I decided that he's not super pretentious, but a genuine recluse. One of his new songs is even about it. He played with a band consisting mainly of super hot sirens playing large stringed instruments. A good time was had by me.

Friday night brought "Friday the Birthteenth" to our place. We had a party. It was fun. People came. People drank. People drank a lot. I didn't realize how much people drank until I stood in line with homeless people this morning to trade in all the bottles. In addition to the tens of pounds of beer, liquor, & wine bottles, I saw several *enormous* bottles of cheap wine I didn't remember seeing on Friday. I was pretty hung over on Saturday -- another reason to save the real party for a time other than one's special day. No one wants to fend calls from Grandma on a churning stomach.

LA people: VOTE ON TUESDAY!!!!

Conscientious Elitism offically endorses Flora Gil Krisolof for City Council and Antonio Villaraigosa for mayor.


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