Material girl no more.

Last night I had a dream that Madonna's boyfriend was trying to trick me into having unprotected sex with him and I was worried about getting an STD. I don't have to walk to the psychic on the corner to tell me that the boyfriend is UCLA and the only thing it's trying to infect me with is abject poverty. In 2003 I was one of 2 psychology graduate students in America to get this one kind of fellowship (it typically goes to students in the Arts and Humanities). It's "need based," meaning that your institution decides how much of it you get and keeps the other part for itself. Funny how they've decided that I only "need" ONE FUCKING THIRD of the entire fellowship. The fellowship is portable, meaning I could pack my bags and go to one of the other schools that consistently finds a way to justify giving their students the entire (or close to) amount. But moving would of course be a huge pain and I'm so close to the requisite two years you have to live in a place before sweet things start happening right and left. And I'm finally starting to like graduate school in a way I haven't before-- I'm in the 'zone.' As one comment contributor put it, "hate life. it's annoying because i'm like really into school right now." Indeed.